Woodberry Forest Indoor Contest

Date(s): April 9, 2016

Location: Woodberry Forest School 898 Woodberry Forest Road Woodberry Forest VA,

Event URL: Link to website

Contact: Link to Email

11:00 AM. Entry Fees $20 amateur, $30 professional
Piping Events:
1. MSR (one event) - Grade II, I & Professional
2. 6/8 March - Grade I & Professional
3. Hornpipe and Jig - Grade I & Professional
4. Full Piobaireachd - Grade III, II, I, Professional, Grade IV Jr, IV Sr 5. 2/4 March - Grade IVJr, IVSr, III
6. Strathspey and Reel - Grade III
7. Practice Chanter - Grade V

Drumming Events:
1. Hornpipe and Jig - Grades II, I & Professional
2. MSR - Grade II, I & Professional
3. March - Grade III, IVJr, IVSr
4. Tenor - Novice, Amateur & Professional
5. Bass - Amateur & Professional
6. Drum Pad - Grade V



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