
February 7, 2022

New ‘Grand Champion’ title added for end-of-year overall winners

February 6, 2022

We continue our exclusive conservation with one of piping’s most accomplished and thoughtful leaders

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February 4, 2022

Reciprocity, feedback and communications at the forefront of discussions

February 3, 2022

Images to warm the heart – and the fingers and wrists

February 1, 2022

A tribute to the young piper’s life by her mother, Ann Gray

January 31, 2022

Lengthened by 80 pages, update covers more of the digital age of piping

January 30, 2022

Colin MacLellan, Derek Midgley and Jack Taylor hold a fascinating discussion on where they personally think will be the future of ceol mor

January 28, 2022

Karen McCrindle Warren pays tribute to the young Kilmarnock piper

Struggles and risks due to pandemic uncertainties cause vast majority of Grade 1 and 2 groups to put a trip to UK on hold

January 26, 2022

Seventy compositions by Lewis-based piper

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January 24, 2022

Episode 2 of season 33 of Emmy-winning show features lots of piping

January 23, 2022

More music, less ‘Sword of Damocles’ judging could be in the future for the art

January 21, 2022

Player profiles part of system to identify ringers on one-off trips to World’s

January 20, 2022

‘Fìbhig’ due out February 12th

January 19, 2022

First Duncan Johnstone contest in two years

January 17, 2022

Colin MacLellan, Derek Midgley and Jack Taylor discuss where piping’s big music is now, where it’s heading, where the art needs to go

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