August 14, 2023

World’s Friday Grade 1 live-stream confirmed

Glasgow Life, co-organizers of the World Pipe Band Championships with the RSPBA, has confirmed that the Friday Grade 1 competitions will be streamed live, with the first band, New Zealand’s Auckland & District, scheduled to kick off the unrestricted MSR contest at 10:30 am GMT.

Here’s the link:

As in past years, the Friday stream will not be the super-high production of BBC Scotland’s Saturday live-stream, lacking the ongoing colour commentary, but viewers will be able to enjoy the Medley and MSR competitions in their entirety, complete with the multitude of high-definition cameras and microphones strategically placed around the arena at Glasgow Green.

As previously announced, the Saturday contest, complete with commentary and behind-the-scenes interviews, will be broadcast via BBC Scotland: with Canterbury Caledonian Society, also from New Zealand, landing on the MSR trigger at 10:30 am GMT.

Saturday will see all Grade 1 bands compete with an MSR, with each tune being no more than four parts. Tunes for Friday’s MSR event will not be limited.

The World’s Grade 1 competition has been streamed live since 2009. There was speculation that the broadcast of the event would also fall victim to BBC budget cuts that have included the cancellation of the weekly radio piping program, which had run consistently for a century.






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