Torphichen puts Brown in charge after Shedden resigns

After five years on the job, Stuart Shedden packed it in as pipe-major of Grade 2 Torhpichen & Bathgate, giving way to pipe-sergeant, William Brown, who is described by the band as a “popular choice.”
Shedden, who took the reins of the band in 2009 when it was in Grade 1, enjoyed some success with the group, attracting more personnel, including renowned solo piper Gordon Walker, but the band was not able to regain Grade 1 status and was in and out of the prizes in Grade 2 for most of the time.
A statement from band spokesperson Graham Clark said, “The band see this as the natural progression and work has already started in preparation for the 2015 season. As a band, we are delighted that William has accepted the position and we are excited by his approach and drive. He is very motivated and ambitious and is looking to use this, along with his considerable experience, to lead the band back to competing at Grade 1 level.”
Clark said that Shedden’s decision to step down was based mainly on his desire to commit more time to judging solo piping competitions. Stuart Shedden had an excellent solo career, among other prizes winning the Highland Society of London’s Gold Medal at the Northern Meeting in 1998.
In 2014 the band won Grade 2 at the British Championships, was third at the UK, European and Scottish championships, but fell to seventh overall at the World’s.
Torphichen & Bathgate receives financial support from Matt Purdie & Sons, allow the band to invest in equipment and maintain its Novice Juvenile band, which Shedden worked to start from scratch in 2010. The young band competed for the first time in 2014 and now works to channel players into the Grade 2 band.
The Grade 2 band practices at Armadale Academy in Armadale, West Lothian, Scotland, and stressed that, like all bands, it welcomes interested pipers and drummers.