December 26, 2015

The top 15 p|d stories of 2015


Big top-grades contest at Norfolk planned for April 2016 – May 24th

Virginia_Tattoo_LogoThe news of plans by a well-established and well-funded Virginia International Tattoo professional group to put on a big top-grades pipe band contest in America’s south was interesting and welcomed. The group would a few weeks later confirm that Inveraray, ScottishPower would be playing in the contest.

Why was this story important? Not since the 1970s and the Inter-Continental Pipe Band Championships at the Canadian National Exhibition (CNW) in Toronto has there been a major competition with UK-based Grade 1 bands participating. Whereas the CNE event was done in complete cooperation with the RSPBA, the Norfolk event is working independently. Whether truly it is or isn’t, the RSPBA is guaranteed to consider this event as potential a long-term threat to their World Championship. They will watch closely.





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