The most important stories of ’17
MacLeod, McCallum withdraw from U&B
When two of the world’s greatest pipers extricate themselves from one of the world’s top solo contests in part allegedly due to the judging, it sends a strong message that competitions should in fact be run for competitors, not judges. This news would have relevance later in the year.
Fire at RSPBA headquarters under control
A blaze that broke out in the small hours of the morning decimated a large part of the RSPBA’s 45 Washington Street, Glasgow, headquarters. It would be chalked up to a heating system that looked like something out of the Victorian-era. The association is reportedly close to deciding to relocate to an altogether new permanent location.

Reay Mackay, 1939-2017
We said goodbye to one of the greats of North American piping, and a true gentleman ambassador of the art worldwide.
The pipes, the pipes are shipping
The CITES restrictions on the use of African blackwood finally settled out with new paperwork established for UK-based bagpipe-makers. The added hassle and expense is now simply a part of the business, but environment-conscious customers can take comfort knowing that their new instruments meet conservation guidelines.
Iain McLeod, 1931-2017
The legendary five-time World’s winning pipe-major of the Edinburgh City Police sadly left us.