The 2020 Set Tunes Series: “The Aged Warrior’s Sorrow” or “The Sword’s Lament”
Dr. William Donaldson’s 2020 Set Tunes Series continues with the lesser-known “Aged Warrior’s Sorrow,” also known as “The Sword’s Lament.” This is the first time that this tune has received any publicly available formal analysis.
Just click on the image to go to the Set Tunes section, which now includes more than 170 piobaireachds, each painstakingly researched and analyzed by Donaldson, resulting in the largest single collection of published source material in one place.
The 2020 Set Tunes Series: “Struan Robertson’s Salute”
September 16, 2020
The 2020 Set Tunes Series: “Too Long in this Condition”
September 9, 2020