#TBT: “The Winter of Our Discontent”
soggy cabbage and fatty corned beef. Eventually, it happens. We emerge butterfly-like into the spring air, green grass, flowing water and a certain snowstorm on the May long weekend at the Regina Highland Games. Okay, I exaggerated. Last year it was only freezing rain.
Ah, well, this is what makes us live long on the prairie, or flee to gentler climates. This abusive climate has been very good for other bands and piping organizations across North America. Consider how many ex-Saskatchewan players have crept out into the bigger, warmer world. Currently [written in 2005, remember], SFU, Alberta Caledonia, Toronto Police, Peel Police and the 78th Highlanders (Halifax) all have Saskatchewan players. Two of those bands have Saskatchewan pipe-majors.
Ever thought about where John Fisher got his start? Can you pronounce “Saskatoon?” Don’t let that west coast cool fool you – John’s brogues have prairie dust all over them. There is, for a’ that and a’ that, something beyond a good drink at Burns Night for a Saskatchewan player who wants to go places.
For those of us who stayed, or were foolish enough to return, the end of May signals the real potential end of winter. You can be about 90% certain that winter is over by June. An old joke says Saskatchewan has 10 months of winter and two months of bad sledding. It’s not really a joke – it’s a coping mechanism.
Nevertheless, we prepare for the outdoor season in Saskatchewan, which lasts exactly one weekend. Yes, the one with the snow and/or freezing rain. We emerge from our winter of discontent into the glare of our summer of discontent, wherein we must travel to other places to get a game, to feel the pulse of a piping culture, to re-live the Donnybrook Fair at each beer tent along the road.
March on, join bravely, let us to’t pell-mell
If not to heaven, then hand in hand to hell.
[Shakespeare; Richard III]
“Iain MacDonald, Regina” has been a contributor to this magazine since at least the 1990s. He’s the Pipe-Major of the Grade 2 City of Regina Pipe Band.
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