pipes|drums Hot Stove League: Angus MacColl at the 2011 Todd Bar Challenge
For most of the piping and drumming world north of the equator, the weather outside is frightful, so pipes|drums takes you back to the summer with another Hot Stove League video. This time, it’s high-definition video highlights of Angus MacColl, the virtuoso piper from Benderloch, Scotland, performing in the 2011 Lord Todd Challenge Recital at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow on August 11th.
The Lord Todd Challenge is one of the hottest tickets of the piping year. The room is always filled to capacity, the bar six-deep and the excitement metre redlining, as five of the world’s greatest solo pipers converge in an invitational event where almost anything goes – provided it’s on a Highland bagpipe.
While Stuart Liddell of Inveraray, Scotland, won the 2011 Todd Bar Challenge, Angus MacColl has taken the top prize several times before including successive wins in 2008, 2009 and 2010, and was in top-notch form once again last August in the closely-fought contest.
Stay tuned for more video highlights from pipes|drums!