October 09, 2024

(Opinion) A potential solution for PPBSO members

Editor’s note: pipes|drums received the below opinion piece from a concerned PPBSO member who asked that their name not be included.

Following the publication of the opinion piece on October 8, 2024, some PPBSO members received a message from a PPBSO director urging them to ignore the piece and approve articles of amendment (no mention was made of the new bylaws that were the subject matter of the opinion piece). The message also contends that Andrew Berthoff, Scott Currie and Tyler Fry are trying “to bring the organization down” by urging members to vote down or delay the approval of these significant governance changes.

As stated in the piece, they are trying to save the PPBSO by encouraging reform, beginning with the rejection of new by-laws that would give new powers to the board of directors.

The October 10 meeting is anything but “routine,” as the PPBSO director’s letter contends. Sweeping changes are being proposed.

The PPBSO, as with any piping and drumming association, exists for its members, not the directors who, more often than not, were acclaimed or appointed without a competitive election.

The board is in place to represent the members, not the other way around.

So, please read the following explanation of the elements on the table and a list of options for members to at least delay the vote on these sweeping changes, if not outright reject them by voting No.


Dear Fellow PPBSO Members,

I write to you with deep concern regarding the upcoming Special Meeting on October 10th, where significant changes to the PPBSO bylaws are being proposed, purportedly for compliance with the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA).

In my view, the PPBSO’s Board of Directors is using this opportunity to introduce sweeping changes that threaten the core democratic values of the Society.

The reality behind these changes:

Hidden within the legal updates are major changes that will affect every one of us. Let’s break down the most concerning elements:

#1 Membership Applications (Section 2.1): The Board proposes the power to reject potential new members based on broad and subjective criteria, such as “a genuine interest in the objectives of the Society.” This allows for an arbitrary and subjective decision-making process that could be used to exclude individuals or groups the Board does not favour.

Implication: Membership could be restricted unfairly, concentrating power in the hands of a select few.

#2 Character Judgment (Section 2.7-2.9): The Board is seeking the right to suspend or revoke membership based on perceived misconduct, with broad, undefined terms like “conduct unbecoming of a member.” These decisions will be made by the Board or a committee appointed by the Board without independent oversight.

Implication: Any member could be suspended or expelled for behaviour the Board alone deems inappropriate.

#3 Proxy Voting Restrictions (Section 3.8): The amendments aim to limit the use of proxy voting, requiring Board approval for proxies in “exceptional circumstances” only. This effectively reduces member participation, especially for those who cannot attend meetings due to distance or technical difficulties.

Implication: Members unable to participate in person or online will lose their voting rights, creating a less inclusive environment.

#4 Board Powers (Section 22(2)): The Board wants to determine the number of directors without needing a vote from the membership, and it can increase or decrease this number by passing a special resolution among themselves.

Implication: The Board will be able to set and change Board composition without the input of the wider membership, eroding the democratic process.

Your rights as a member:

As a member of the PPBSO, you have the right to actively participate in this meeting and use the tools available to delay the vote or oppose the amendments. Here’s how you can exercise your legal rights:

  1. Raise a Motion to Postpone: You can make a motion to postpone the vote, arguing that members need more time to review and understand the proposed changes. This motion, if seconded, must be put to a vote.
  2. Ask Questions and Demand Clarifications: During the meeting, you have the right to ask detailed questions about the amendments, particularly regarding how they will impact member rights and the governance of the Society. Do not hesitate to demand transparency about the reasoning behind each change.
  3. Make a Point of Order: If you believe the meeting is not being conducted in accordance with the rules, you can raise a point of order. This forces the Chair to address your concern before the meeting can continue.
  4. Call for a Secret Ballot: You can demand that the vote be conducted by secret ballot rather than a show of hands to ensure anonymity and reduce any pressure or bias from the Board.
  5. Vote No: If the vote proceeds, you can vote against the amendments. Encourage other members to do the same. Remember, you are not alone – there are many who share these concerns and will stand with you.

A call to action:

The future of the PPBSO is in your hands. These amendments are not just legal updates – they are a fundamental reshaping of the way our Society operates. The Board is seeking greater control, less oversight, and more power to decide who belongs and who does not. This is not the PPBSO we have built together.

We urge all members to attend the meeting, ask questions, raise motions, and demand that this vote be delayed until we have had time to fully understand the implications. If the vote proceeds, vote NO on these amendments to protect the democratic values of our Society.

Together, we can preserve the inclusivity, transparency, and fairness that have always defined the PPBSO. Your voice matters. Let it be heard.

In case you need them, here are the details for the Special Meeting open to PPBSO members.

Thursday, October 10, 2024, at 19:30 ET

Here is the link to the Zoom meeting:


Meeting ID: 845 25315792
Passcode: 065275

Thank you.

What do you think? As always, your attributed or anonymous (as you prefer) fair comments are welcomed using the Comments feature below. Posting requires only a free pipes|drums registration. We welcome diverse opinions, provided they are respectful, fair and libel-free.




  1. Never allow anyone to convince you to support either side of a pissing contest.

    After the dust settles, You will end up with a wet face , while the “combatants” will be laughing having a pint.

    The social media battle over voting is an indication that nobody is 100% in the right and that cooler heads are need to resolve this, not the legal system.
    Our heritage and traditions are fragile enough in Canada without this lingering conflict burning the house down.

    All people care about is having a welcome and supportive place to play our music on our Loud & Proud instruments.

    1. All of this sort of thing from education, to testing, to decision making must be built objectively.
      As per the “Rickover Effect”.
      Subjective solutions and decisions are non-valid and unreliable.

      Craig Colquhoun



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