New features and tools for pipes|drums readers
Over the past few months a number of new features have been added to pipes|drums to make the magazine even more enjoyable to readers. These additions have all come as a result of your feedback and suggestions.
We’ve tweaked the front page:
- Comments counter with every article – now readers can see when a comment has been added by watching for changes in the total number of reader responses.
- Additional stories listed – we launched the front page with only one article under the Features, Interviews and Reviews sections, and now readers can see the two most recent articles.
We’ve added a few things to the MySporran and Fun sections:
- TuneShare – readers can now upload their own compositions and scores to share them with other pipes|drums visitors
- TuneSearch – new compositions and scores posted by readers using the TuneShare feature can now be searched for by name, or, by leaving the search-field blank, all posted compositions can be seen.
- MAP Project improvements – we’ve worked to improve the MAP feature, which now integrates better with user registrations. Be sure to register so that you can be counted with your own gracenote!
- Improved Member Search – pipes|drums readers can now connect and correspond better than ever with other registered users.
- BigPrizes database additions – we’ve been working to add more data to the BigPrizes lists, making it even better as the world’s most comprehensive online resource for major competition results.
- Expanded RSS feeds – we’ve improved the RSS feeds to be even more comprehensive. Use this handy tool to keep track of new pipes|drums stories as they are posted!
pipes|drums readership continues to grow, with now more than 4,000 registered readers and page-views exceeding 50,000 every day.
Even Britain’s Times newspaper follows pipes|drums for leads, as evidenced by reporter Stuart MacDonald’s story on the Royal Scottish Pipers’ Society refusal to allow women as members after he saw the pipes|drums article that broke the story first.
As always, pipes|drums is not-for-profit. We don’t sell anything except the best quality magazine that we can produce. All proceeds from advertising and subscriptions are plowed back into the site or donated to worthy piping and drumming causes.
A year-long subscription to pipes|drums is still priced at only $14.99 (or $24.99 for two years), which enables readers to have access to the more than 3,500 articles in the magazine’s archive.
We hope that you enjoy and subscribe to pipes|drums and, as always, we welcome your feedback.