August 31, 2023

LA Scots appoint Scott Walsh leading-drummer

Scott Walsh

The Grade 2 Los Angeles Scots have made Scott Walsh the band’s leading-drummer after Steven Graham led the corps for the last two years. Walsh has been a member since 2017.

Saying he’s looking forward to the challenge and keen to keep the momentum going, the Hawick, Scotland, native Walsh has been a member of several Grade 1 bands, including Lothian & Borders Police, Clan Gregor Society, New Zealand Police, Spirit of Scotland, and Shotts & Dykehead Caledonia. He won five major drumming titles in Shotts and one with Spirit of Scotland under Leading-Drummer Jim Kilpatrick.

About Graham, LA Scots Pipe-Major and President Scott MacDonald said, “Steven will always be a cherished member of the LA Scots family, and we would like to thank him for this tireless work in running the drum corps over the past several years. He stepped into the band during a difficult period as we, like many other bands, were experiencing the challenges of rebuilding a band after the pandemic. He delivered a world-class drum corps over the past two seasons and leaves a big legacy following his departure. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors and will always be grateful for his contributions to the band.”

The LA Scots were founded in 1961 and competed in Grade 1 for nearly 20 years before moving to Grade 2 in 2018. The band finished fifteenth in Grade 2 at the 2023 World Championships.






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