Hudson emerges tops at online Ohio Games

The Internet – June 27-28, 2020 – The Ohio Scottish Games & Celtic Festival went all online with its solo competitions and in so doing set a record with some 767 separate performances by 241 soloists. As a result, 17 judges had to be secured to assess the two days of online competitions.
In the end, Nick Hudson of Houston was the overall winner in the Open piping category, while Matthew Darmadi, also of Houston, took the top snare drumming prize. Darmadi’s brother, Kevin, was the overall winner in the Amateur Grade 1 piping.
Because of being held online, some contestants competed in more than one competition on the same day. The Ohio contest was reportedly the biggest online solo event yet recorded by a competition sanctioned by the Eastern United States Pipe Band Association.
Solo Piping
1st Nick Hudson
2nd Jeremy Freeman, Poughkeepsie, New York
3rd Dan Lyden, Tmonium, Maryland
4th Skip Cleavenger, Bowling Green, Kentucky
5th Sean Patrick Regan, Pittsburgh
6th Maeghan Bielski, Middleboro, Massachusetts
Judge: Calum MacDonald
1st Dan Lyden
2nd Joe Horwath, Saginaw, Michigan
3rd Nick Hudson
4th Sean Patrick Regan
5th Jeremy Freeman
6th Mary Wallace, Richmond, Virginia
Judge: Craig Munro
Hornpipe & Jig
1st Nick Hudson
2nd Joe Horwath
3rd Dan Lyden
4th Jeremy Freeman
5th Sean Regan
6th Kenneth Liechti
Judge: Steve MacNeil
Grade 1
1st Laura Neville
2nd Stuart Marshall
3rd Nathanael Silva
4th Kevin Darmadi
5th Ben Elliott
6th Jerry-Anne Dickel
Judge: Derek Midgley
1st Kevin Darmadi
2nd Laura Neville
3rd Ben Elliott
4th Stuart Marshall
5th Mark Elliott
6th Jerry Anne Dickel
Judge: Mike Rogers
Hornpipe & Jig
1st Kevin Darmadi
2nd Laura Neville
3rd Stuart Marshall
4th Mike Trenor
5th Ben Elliott
6th Mark Elliott
Judge: Ken Eller
6/8 March
1st Stuart Marshall
2nd Ben Elliott
3rd Kevin Darmadi
4th Laura Neville
5th Gill Mason
6th Jerry-Anne Dickel
Judge: Bob Worrall
Grade 2 Piper of the Day: Katherine Miller
Grade 3 Piper of the Day: Lauren McMillan
Grade 4 Senior Piper of the Day: Casey Buchanan-Smith
Grade 4 Junior Piper of the Day: Logie Johnston
Grade 5 Piper of the Day: Megan Amos
Over 50 Piper of the Day: Gil Mason
Solo Drumming
Snare (all events judged by Graham Brown)
Grade 1 Drummer of the Day: Matthew Darmadi
Grade 2 Drummer of the Day: Andrew McNamara
Grade 3 Drummer of the Day: Caleb Ruddock
Grade 4 Senior Drummer of the Day: Jeremy Downs
Grade 4 Junior Drummer of the Day: Gabriel Armstrong
Grade 5 Drummer of the Day: Allen Workman
Tenor and Bass (all events judged by Andrew Elliott)
Amateur Tenor: Emily Fantastic
Novice Tenor: Haleena Thompson
Amateur Bass: Whitney Hewitt
Novice Bass: Dan Ross