April 20, 2013

Fifth Kingdom Thistle Solos draws more than 400 listeners

Lochgelly, Scotland – April 13, 2013 – The fifth annual Kingdom Thistle Solo Piping & Drumming Championships were held again at Lochgelly High School, with competitors coming from far and wide for the event. A tenor drumming event was introduced this year. Overall Open champions were Emmett Conway in solo piping and Aaron McLean in solo snare drumming, with both competitors travelling to Fife from Northern Ireland. Organizers counted 189 combined performances and a total audience of more than 400 turning out on the day.

Solo Piping
1st Emmett Conway
2nd Conor Sinclair
3rd Callum Watson
4th Brian Lamond

1st Kris Coyle
2nd Emmett Conway
3rd Brian Lamond
4th Glenn Ross

1st Emmett Conway

Hornpipe & Jig
1st Emmett Conway

18 & Under
1st Ailis Sutherland
2nd Lucy Ferguson
3rd Conor Jardine
4th Robyn Ada McKay

16 & Under
1st Lucy Ferguson
2nd Conor Jardine
3rd Robyn Ada McKay
4th Liam Mulheron
5th Douglas Mair
6th Lochlan Urey

13 & Under
1st Cameron Venters
2nd Fraser McBain
3rd Ricky Carlin
4th Robbie Houston
5th Craig Bruce
6th Erin Ritchie

Solo Snare Drumming
1st Aaron McLean
2nd Grant Cassidy
3rd David Mark
4th Russell Esler

1st Aaron McLean

Hornpipe & Jig
1st Aaron McLean

18 & Under
1st David Mark
2nd Grant Cassidy
3rd Abby Sutherland
4th Eoin Rogers

16 & Under
1st Eoin Rogers
2nd Daniel Luby
3rd Jamie Clark
4th Thomas Paton
5th Thomas Barnes
6th Catherine Reid

13 & Under
1st Cameron Bell
2nd Chloe Taylor
3rd, Kerry Simms
4th, Mary Drummond
5th, Henry Mcaskill
6th, Ciar Chalmers

Tenor Drumming
16 & Under
1st Cammy Bennett
2nd Nicola Scullion
3rd Chloe Gibson
4th Andrew Bonnar




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