Chris Armstrong on top at Scottish Pipers

Glasgow – April 18, 2015 – Chris Armstrong was the easy overall winner of the annual Scottish Pipers Association Solo Competitions, one of the longest-running events on Scotland’s calendar. Armstrong won both of the events he competed in.
1st Chris Armstrong, Airth, Scotland
2nd Peter McAlister, Dunblane, Scotland
3rd Gordon Bruce, Glasgow
Judges: Tom Johnstone, Ronald McShannon
Former Winners MSR
1st Chris Armstrong
2nd Keith Bowes, Inchinnan, Glasgow
3rd Darach Urqhuart, Glasgow
1st Ben Duncan, Edinburgh
2nd Michael Fitzhenry, Glasgow
3rd Lachie Dick, Edinburgh
Strathspey & Reel
1st Graham Drummond, Aberdeen
2nd Andrew Wilson, Belfast
3rd Stuart McCallum, Glasgow
6/8 March
1st Steven Gray, Ayrshire
Judges for all light music: Andrew Frater, Iain MacLellan
Do you have competition results? We invite you to send them by email to pipes|drums along with a photograph or two and a few details of the event. Please use the 1st, 2nd 3rd format in the article above, include judges and send as standard email text. Thanks!