Style Guy
October 06, 2013

Capers at the World’s, your trews colours, and questions of every stripe

Dear Style Guy:

No, this isn’t a question about the possibility of a bluegrass band covering SFU medleys (although that would be interesting), it’s in regards to . . . [SFU’s] new-ish uniforms.

The band made a change to a new kilt in 2010. What did they do with the old ones? Because since the change they haven’t won a World’s! And this year they had new stylish hose and finished fourth!

It would be nice to say that “On the Day” anyone can win it, but I sense there may be other powers at work here. Maybe the kilts need a dip in holy water, or need a little beer splash from the Maxville beer tent before they can be truly competition ready.


Mr. Anxiously-Awaiting-His-Band’s-New-Tartan

Well, MAAHBNT, I think you’re on to something here. There can be a lot of mojo wrapped up in a band’s customary and comfortable look. If you think about it, the mighty SFU has had a bunch of heeby-jeeby-freaky things occur since they made the switch: drawn first four times. Rogue judging. A sudden hurricane battering them. Their arch-nemesis Triumph Street nipping at their brogues.

And look at other instances of band’s changing tartan and going right doon-the-hull: the 78th Fraser Highlanders ditched that brilliant orange get-up in favour of, what? Some non-descript plaid? Hmmm.

But then there’s Field Marshal Montgomery stripping off the Royal Stewart for their own weave. The band’s only become better and better. So, the whole idea goes up in flames.

My advice is to stay with the tartan that made you great. It’s your look. It’s part of a pipe band’s brand. But, if your band was never great, and no one really gives a rat’s, then make that change and get your mojo running.



  1. Im sorry Style guy but boghall wears the hunting fraser not the ancient fraser. The ancient fraser was worn by SFU before changing to the Simon Fraser University tarten

  2. You’re both right (and wrong), we wear the Ancient Hunting Fraser. Now, I’d better go check drone cord lengths, tie knot styles, length of flashes……. Ross W

  3. You’re both right (and wrong), we wear the Ancient Hunting Fraser. Now, I’d better go check drone cord lengths, tie knot styles, length of flashes……. Ross W



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