Style Guy
October 06, 2013

Capers at the World’s, your trews colours, and questions of every stripe

The Style Guy extends his heartfelt apologies to his loyal readers after being away for so long. Fresh from a world tour witnessing the crimes of fashion across five piping and drumming continents, The Style Guy has allowed the mailbag to swell to the size of the late Arthur Gillies’s celebrated jersey-cow-like-udder pipe bag.

Let’s see what we have . . .

Dear Style Guy:

I have been noticing the stylish ties being worn in pipe bands. I really like the striped silky looking ties.

Any ideas on where they are purchasing them or other words of wisdom on this topic?


Colleen M. Tennant

Grand Traverse Pipes & Drums

Traverse City, Michigan

Time was when custom band ties were extraordinary things, bands swapping them, collecting like so many football jerseys. Today, bands change ties as quick as you can say Don Draper.


My comment, Ms. Tennant, is that you have an eye for fashion like you have a name for drinking lager. Spot on! While the width of band ties should pretty much follow the style of the day, the subtle stripe is always a safe bet. Make sure that one strip is neutral, like black or grey, and the other picks up a colour from the tartan. No more than two colours to the tie overall.


I do think, though, that we will see the demise of the pipe band tie over time. They simply are not conducive to high-pressure competition or the music industry overall. Ties are becoming relics, and, while our music moves forward, we must be prepared to change our tie-attire with the times.


One can still look snappy without a tie.


  1. Im sorry Style guy but boghall wears the hunting fraser not the ancient fraser. The ancient fraser was worn by SFU before changing to the Simon Fraser University tarten

  2. You’re both right (and wrong), we wear the Ancient Hunting Fraser. Now, I’d better go check drone cord lengths, tie knot styles, length of flashes……. Ross W

  3. You’re both right (and wrong), we wear the Ancient Hunting Fraser. Now, I’d better go check drone cord lengths, tie knot styles, length of flashes……. Ross W



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