December 31, 2011

The year in news: the Top 10 pipes|drums stories of 2011

#5. Video streaming brings piping and drumming events to the masses

While the BBC’s live video broadcast of the World Pipe Band Championships began the trend in 2009, 2011 was the year when just about anyone could try their hand at making events accessible to all online. The British Columbia Pipers Association brought the final of its annual Knockout competition to all, and the Eastern United States Pipe Band Association broadcast its annual general meeting. A few other efforts didn’t go quite as planned, though, and the attempt to broadcast the European Pipe Band Championships failed due to unexpected interest overloading the tiny server that couldn’t cope with demand. Still, this is a trend that will continue.


  1. Excellent summary. Ending with a reminder of the good byes we had to say to the great characters and friends we share the love of the music with, puts it all in perspective. How lucky we are to love the pipes and share the music and our lives with such wonderful folk!



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