December 31, 2011

The year in news: the Top 10 pipes|drums stories of 2011

#9. Nova Scotia’s Gaelic College drops “competition style” piping and drumming

One of the world’s oldest institutions for teaching piping and drumming suddenly decided that it would try to preserve some sort of self-proclaimed “Cape Breton style” of piping by phasing out instruction in traditional “competition style” Highland piping and pipe band drumming. The piping world had never really heard this sort of terminology before, and the move was received with much debate and not a little outrage.


  1. Excellent summary. Ending with a reminder of the good byes we had to say to the great characters and friends we share the love of the music with, puts it all in perspective. How lucky we are to love the pipes and share the music and our lives with such wonderful folk!



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