SFU, New Westminster, Bonar, Bowman take BCPA Grand Aggregates
With the Seattle Highland Games being the final competition of the 2009 British Columbia Pipers Association season, the organization announced the official winners of its Grand Aggregate awards. The Simon Fraser University Pipe Band organization and its members did very well across all categories and grades, with Andrew Bonar of Vancouver taking the overall championship in the tightly-contested Professional Solo Piping category.
Grade 1: Simon Fraser University
Grade 2: New Westminster Police
Grade 3: Robert Malcolm Memorial
Grade 4: White Spot
Solo Piping
Professional: Andrew Bonar
Grade 1: Richard Gillies
Grade 2: Alexander Schiele
Grade 3: Joseph Stewart
Grade 4: Liam Hilder
Grade 5: Jonathan Robertson
Adult: Gordon Haddon
Solo Snare Drumming
Professional: David Bowman
Grade 1: Kyle Wallis
Grade 2: Gavin MacRae
Grade 3: Fiona Senyk
Grade 4: Bryce Kreger
Solo Tenor Drumming
Professional: Brittany Angeltvedt
Grade 1: Jessica Lahti
Grade 2: Mackenzie Webster