August 31, 2011

McCallum wins Silver Cap

Glasgow – August 9, 2011 – Willie McCallum of Bearsden, Scotland, was the winner of the annual Silver Cap Invitational Piping Competition, held before a good crowd at the Lord Todd Bar at the University of Strathclyde. The event was part of the 2011 Piping Live! festival, and was held at the same time as the popular International Quartet Competition down the road at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall.

1st. Willie McCallum (2000 GBP)
2ndStuart Liddell, Inveraray, Scotland, (750 GBP)
3rd.Gordon Walker, Galston, Scotland  (600 GBP)
4th.Jamie Troy, Victoria, British Columbia  (450 GBP)
5th.Angus MacColl, Benderloch, Scotland (300 GBP)
6th.Alex Gandy, Dartmouth. Nova Scotia  (150 GBP)




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