August 31, 2010

Cowal Champions: Boghall & Bathgate

Dunoon, Scotland  – August 28, 2010 – Results from the 2010 Cowal Pipe Band Championships as they were announced from the march-past. Boghall & Bathgate secured the championship, and 2010 World Champions St. Laurence O’Toole had to settle for third, with Field Marshal Montgomery second, thus making FMM Champion of Champions in Grade 1. Weather was a challenge for competitors, with showers then dry and sun, then rain again, then sun again, making it difficult to hold a sound. According to reports, the Grade 1 Toronto Police were confronted by RSPBA Executive Office Ian Embelton “waving” a rule book at them before the band competed in the medley competition. Inveraray & District enjoyed its first ever prize in a major championship in Grade 1.

Grade 1 Champion of Champions: Field Marshal Montgomery; Drumming: Boghall & Bathgate.

The Grade 1 result was announced first, and then skipped to Novice and on up to Grade 2.

Grade 1 (medley, 14 competed)

1st Boghall & Bathgate

2nd Field Marshal Montgomery

3rd St. Laurence O’Toole

4th ScottishPower

5th Inveraray & District

6th Strathclyde Police

Drumming: Boghall & Bathgate

Judges: Ian Wood, Andrew Wright (piping); Joe Noble (drumming); Bob Shepherd (ensemble)

Grade 2 (MSR, 16 competed)

1st Buchan

2nd Grampian Police

3rd Lomond & Clyde

4th Dumfries & Galloway Constabulary

5th Strathclyde Fire & Rescue

6th MacKenzie Caledonian

Drumming: Lomond & Clyde

Judges: Sam Young, Cameron Edgar (piping); S. Steele (drumming); Peter Snaddon (ensemble)


  1. What was Ian Embelton waving the rule book about? They start their Variations medley with three pace rolls? What else is there? Was he questioning if the music was in the Celtic idiom?

  2. It appears the G1 results posted on initially were not correct & now have been changed to reflect the results as announced and reported on pipesdrums. It was strange, at least for a few hours, but the RSPBA have addressed this.

  3. Good to see the RSPBA address this so promptly. The results posted earlier did not include the results from Piping Judge 2 (A.Wright). All appears to be in order now.

  4. ‘Maybe Embleton was actually waving a MUSIC book at them….’ You mean he’d rushed out to buy his own copy of the score – ‘look, look, I’ve got my own copy, can you guys autograph it for me?’

  5. As a member of Toronto Police, can comfirm that the statement about the rule book waving is not true. The only waving done was by an RSPBA offical, possibly Ian Embelton, telling us to stop as we marched to the line because the circle was not ready for us yet.

  6. Congrats to Boghall. That must also be the first time in a major championship for many a year that Shotts haven’t won a prize. 2011 will be an interesting year!

  7. Well done to Boghall, a feat worth noting for a band that has worked hard over the years! Geoghegan Memorial from Northern Ireland also secured the 3b CoC title at Cowal. Their first year in 3b, will be a band to watch in 3a and future years also.

  8. Ian was there, quietly double checking with TP that both their medleys started with 2 three paced rolls as required under RSPBA rules, as to paraphrase him, it would have been a shame for TP to come all that way and spend money just to get disqualified. Can’t let such eminently sensible, reasonable behaviour pass without a spot of anti-RSPBA sensationalism though!

  9. Sounds like a decet gesture, and I’m sure that Ian and Michael and Doug did their homework before going over. Just listened to the contest and IMO the 3 pace rolls take away from this medley. Either way, glad to see this as the one that got played. Fav, out of the three.

  10. It’s a shame that the main focus (of comments to the article) seems to be on someone ‘waving’ a book, rather than the result. Well done to Boghall for rounding off a very decent season with their win at Cowal and for, in my opinion, deservedly taking the CofC prize in drumming.



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