June 26, 2024

2024 Chicago Highland Games Grade 2 MSR performances

pipes|drums is pleased to bring readers, viewers and listeners videos of the Grade 2 MSR performances from the 2024 Chicago Highland Games, held on June 15th at DuPage County Fairgrounds in the city’s northwest.

The event saw a total of 38 bands compete across all events sanctioned and organized by the Midwest Pipe Band Association.

For full competition results, go to our story on pipes|drums.

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The videos below are in the order of the bands’ placing in the event. You can also access all of the videos on our YouTube Channel, where there are playlists of the Chicago 2024 Grade 1 and Grade 2 events, as well as hundreds of other videos.

Our thanks and congratulations to all the bands and to the Midwest Pipe Band Association for accommodating pipes|drums in our effort to bring this important event to the piping and drumming world.





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