Jottings from Maxville
Couldn’t imagine a better Maxville: perfect weather, just about everything ran on time, massive crowds, new buildings and landscaping, and several top-grade bands in top form.
Things I’ll remember:
- Windsor Police dominating Grade 2. If they play as well as they did Saturday, the band should do very well at Glasgow Green.
- The air that City of Washington played in its medley: terrific harmonies with overtones that were positively goose-bumpling.
- 78th Fraser Highlanders finish: the band’s rendition of Godon Duncan’s “Upside Down at Eden Court,” reprised from its ’04 World’s medley is riveting.
- Glengarry’s medley: a great way of making older tunes new again. “Alan MacPherson of Mosspark” – all four parts – and “Lucy Cassidy” to open and to end in jig-time seem to strike the current musical retro-zeitgeist.
- Alistair Aitken – a knowledgable and honest gentleman. It was a pleasure to work with him.
There are many other things that I could list, but those are the ones that pop in to mind first. Your mileage may vary, as they say.