Pugwash Gathering of the Clans

Date(s): July 1, 2016

Location: Eaton Park, Pugwash, NS,

Event URL: Link to website

The Gathering of the Clans has become the traditional way to spend Canada Day in Cumberland County. It is a party, Scottish style, with piping, drumming, highland dancing, highland games, artisans, midway, concerts, food and artisan vendors.

Early in the morning, local and international highland dancers take to the Eaton Park stage for ScotDance sanctioned competitions.  Lovers of Pipes and Drums will enjoy the ACPBA sanctioned competitions on the grounds of the national historic site, Thinkers Lodge.  At the Cyrus Eaton Elementary School,  steely muscled men dressed in their kilts, toss the caber and compete in other heavyweight high... read more

When the pipe and rum band competitions are over, all musicians form a massed band which will march up Water Street as far as the Village Hall.  Band prizes are then awarded. This will be at about 3pm.

The official opening is at 2 pm in Eaton Park, when local, Provincial and Federal representatives are led to the stage by a bagpiper to officially declare the Gathering of the Clans open!

Enjoy a wide range of food and then take in a wonderful afternoon of entertainment in Eaton Park. Wrap up the day by attending the evening's special stage show featuring the best of Maritime musicians and a spectacular Canada Day fireworks display over the waters of Pugwash Harbour.



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