Toronto Police win at Cambridge
Cambridge, Ontario – July 18, 2015 – The Grade 1 Toronto Police won for the first time in the Ontario season with a victory in the MSR event at the annual Cambridge Highland Games. The contest was held in the usual sweltering conditions, with mostly sunny skies and temperatures hovering around 33 degrees. The 78th Fraser Highlanders, who had won the previous two events, finished third. Ian K. MacDonald was the Professional Solo Piper of the Day and Kyle Wardell the Professional Solo Snare Drummer of the Day.
Grade 1 (MSR, three competed)
1st Toronto Police (2,1,2,1)
2nd Peel Regional Police (1,2,3,2)
3rd 78th Fraser Highlanders (3,3,1,3)
Judges: Eddie Gorman, Michael Grey (piping); Greg Dinsdale (drumming); John Elliott (ensemble)
Grade 2 (medley, one played)
1st Paris Port Dover
Judges: Eddie Gorman, Michael Grey (piping); Greg Dinsdale (drumming); John Elliott (ensemble)
Grade 3 (medley, eight competed)
1st Toronto Police (Gr3) (1,2,3,1)
2nd Windsor Police (3,1,2,2)
3rd Rob Roy (2,3,5,3)
4th Glengarry (5,4,4,5)
5th Hamilton Police (7,8,1,4)
6th Chicago Celtic (4,5,8,6)
7th Durham Regional Police (6,7,6,7)
8th Penetangore (8,6,7,8)
Judges: Peter Sinclair, Iain Symington (piping); Brian McCue (drumming); Andrew Berthoff (ensemble)
Grade 4 (mini MSR, six competed)
1st Guelph (2,1,2,2)
2nd Arnprior MacNab (1,4,4,1)
3rd Grand Celtic (3,2,6,3)
4th Hamilton Police (Gr4) (6,6,1,4)
5th Chatham Kent Police (5,5,3,5) (ens.pref.)
6th Paris Port Dover (Gr4) (4,3,5,6)
Judges: Peter Sinclair, Iain Symington (piping); Brian McCue (drumming); Andrew Berthoff (ensemble)
Grade 5 (march medley, 11 competed)
1st Niagara Regional Police (1,3,1,1)
2nd Barrie (2,2,2,2)
3rd Ryan Russell Memorial (6,4,4,3)
4th Durham Regional Police (Gr5) (3,1,10,5)
5th Cambridge & District (5,6,3,6)
6th Grand Celtic (Gr5) (4,5,8,4)
7th Forest City Celtic (8,8,5,7)
8th St. Andrews Mississauga (7,7,11,8)
9th Dundas (9,9,9,9)
10th Scarborough (11,11,6,10)
11th Tunes of Glory (10,10,7,11)
Judges: Eddie Gorman, Michael Grey (piping); Greg Dinsdale (drumming); John Elliott (ensemble)