Saskatchewan Highland Gathering and Celtic Festival

Date(s): May 16, 2015,
May 17, 2015

Location: Regina, SK,

Event URL: Link to website

Contact: Link to Email

The Saskatchewan Highland Gathering and Celtic Festival features full solo, pipe band, Highland dancing and Scottish heavy athletics over two days. The event starts with the Prairie Invitational Solo Piping on Friday night. THE MUDMEN are featured in the Beer Tent at the Saturday night ceilidh, and there are two full days of Celtic entertainment, and children's activities, a photo booth, sheep, archery and Saturday the Regina Farmers' Market takes place at the gates of the Games.

The new venue—downtown in Victoria Park—is 100% licensed, so you can wander freely and enjoy your beverage anywhere on site. As well, there are many great downtown pubs, restaurants and hotels within easy access of the park.



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