WUSPBA marks 50 with call for collection
The Western United States Pipe Band Association is marking its fiftieth anniversary this year by creating a pipe music collection made up entirely of compositions by past and present members or those with a “strong connection” with the organization.
The association is asking for submissions by August 1st, with an aim to have the collection out by October.
“Tunes to be included in the collection will be selected by an independent panel, with full credit given to all composers,” said WUSPBA Music Board member Lorne Cousin. “Composers will be asked to sign a licensing agreement and will be given the opportunity to review the transcription of their music for the book before signing off that they approve the transcription for final printing.”
He added that submitted tunes will be reviewed by an independent panel without knowing their composer, and that “the tunes will be selected on merit rather than who wrote them.”
The organization is also compiling a collection of historical photos of events, pipers, drummers, bands or well-known figures from the last 50 years.
Anyone wishing to submit tunes or photos should contact Cousin or WUSPBA Music Board Chair Andy Trimble.
The WUSPBA is also in the process of finalizing competitions for a new logo and a commemorative tune.