Silver Cap competition moves to more suitable Todd Bar venue
The second annual Silver Cap Invitational Solo Piping Competition will be held at the Lord Todd Bar at the University of Strathclyde, opting out of the first-year venue at the Glasgow College of Piping, which can’t accommodate more popular events. The date of the 2010 Silver Cap is Tuesday, August 10th, at 7 pm.
Co-organizer Richard King of San Diego said that four invitees have confirmed, with 2009 winner Willie McCallum, Angus MacColl, Jack Lee and Gordon Walker accepting. He says that contact has been made with Chris Armstrong, and Stuart Liddell.
King indicated that the prize-money for the event will remain the same, but if McCallum repeats as overall champion his winnings will double on the day to £2,000. Total purse, excluding a McCallum repeat, is £3,250.
The event takes a relatively creative slant to the competitions and participation by the piping world. Competitors must submit and play an original unpublished tune either by them or provided by another composer. Competitors again will be obscured from view of the competition’s judge, who has so far not been announced. The organizers recently released a CD of the competition.
King said that there will be a raffle at this year’s event that may include “a huge prize.”
He added, “The College of Piping was too small. We are hoping to sell out the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall in 2011 or 2012.”
That would be amazing if Simon would do it.
What would be even more impressive is if Simon Cowell was also to judge aliong with Simon Cowal……..Hey, what about Paula Abduell?