September 21, 2024

In wake of lawsuit against Ontario association and its directors, readers send their comments and support

The recent news story about the lawsuit filed against the Pipers & Pipe Band Society of Ontario and its directors prompted dozens of messages from concerned readers.

With each writer’s permission, we include just a few of the comments received here. The comments are unedited; with one exception (again, with permission), removing only content that might associate the writer with their identity.

I think through all of this there is a huge sense of grief and loss. How can this kind of mean-spirited behaviour occur and be justified? What is happening in this world where this kind of approach is okay and where people are lobbied or coerced to go along with this personal, unjustified and cruel singling out of a person or persons? And to use their positions within an organization to justify this approach is absolutely unfathomable. And what grief about the loss of PPBSO as we have come to know and respect over the years?

The current leadership thinks that they have “our continued trust and respect”? Far from it.

The current leadership thinks that they have “our continued trust and respect”? Far from it. I also grieve the impact on future volunteers. Why would passionate, good people want to become involved in that kind of organization going forward? But I am very hopeful, and commend you for being the voice of so many who have experienced similar treatment but couldn’t for whatever reason, be relentless in the pursuit of justice for all.

This is the very thing that is required to arrest this kind of approach. I stand with you and am so grateful for your integrity, fortitude and passion for the piping and drumming community worldwide. Thank you so much.

Just want to say. Good on you for choking on your tongue for so long. That is sheer integrity. Absolutely astonished. I’m sure you’re getting a flood of support, but I just want to say thank you for always actually doing as much as super humanly possible to do the right thing and document the facts. I’ve been following the site since I was a proper kid.

There’s a reason I haven’t played here in Ontario in 12 years and don’t plan on it ever again. But at this point, especially after stepping back, I’m questioning whether the corruption is worth putting up with for a hobby I happen to be okay at and invest a lot of money and time into.

I’ve only talked to a few people about it so far and everyone unanimously supports you.

Accountability is a huge thing and I tried to bring many issues forward, but complacency is always the answer. It becomes frustrating very quickly; however, I wasn’t a direct target of it and wasn’t in a position to seek legal advice for it. Sadly, the PPBSO aren’t the only ones guilty of it.

I’m sorry this has had such an impact on your opportunities and position. I’ve only talked to a few people about it so far and everyone unanimously supports you. But you know how it is, speaking out can impact your results. Its not right.

I just read your Statement of Claim. I’m utterly and completely shocked.

I’m quite confused as to how the PPBSO can send an email, admit it shouldn’t have been sent, but somehow hold you liable for your response to that email, notwithstanding the fact you published the piece as editor of p|d (not a member or adjudicator of the PPBSO), and neither that piece, nor your response (to the email that, by their own admission, should never have been sent), had anything to do with you acting as a member or adjudicator.

I’m very sorry to hear that you’re going through this, but I’m glad you’re not letting it lie.

I’m very sorry to hear that you’re going through this, but I’m glad you’re not letting it lie.

Take care of yourself and don’t let the fragility of egos deter you. You’ve always demonstrated an attempt to present a balanced perspective on things, far more so than most modern media outlets.

Wow. Good for you. I don’t see a way you could’ve given them any more chances to resolve it. Nobody wants to see the PPBSO fall apart. But it clearly needs change and the board is needing a revamp. I’m confident you’ll come through positively. I don’t believe they have a defense.

I just read through your lawsuit and just wanted to let you know that I think it’s the only recourse that you have, and will it create a better future for all of us down the road. As a PPBSO adjudicator, I think you have been grossly mistreated. – PPBSO Judge

First, I am heartbroken for what you have been through and the events that have gone on and clearly spilled out beyond the borders of fairness or equality in what can only be described as an absolute failure of leadership. Your contributions to the pipe band community are significant, positive and commendable. Reading the court filing, it appears pretty awful.

The courage and fortitude to do what you have done and to stand up for what is right is commendable and admirable. It is not easy to put yourself out there like this and it takes courage and strength against what seems like astronomical odds. You are doing the right thing. I commend you and support your efforts to take on this issue.

These flagship associations are clearly demonstrating to the rest of us what not to do, setting a poor example for others to follow.

In my own opinion, the RSPBA and now the PPBSO have demonstrated complete failures in leadership. ANAPBA remains absent and irrelevant, which is unfortunate and leaves matters such as these to the members to fight for what is right instead of the association remaining accountable to those members to do what is right, conduct fair and transparent business in the best interest of the community as a whole. These flagship associations are clearly demonstrating to the rest of us what not to do, setting a poor example for others to follow.

Your experience is no doubt painful and never ever should have happened. I hope for a positive resolution where those who have acted in bad faith and with their own agenda are held accountable for those actions, decisions and participation in such events. Those people have no place in leadership roles within the broader pipe band community.

All the best. I for one am cheering for you.

“It is unfortunate that you and your family have been put through this ordeal and faced with no alternative than to resort to legal action as remedy for the damage caused to your reputation and standing within the Society. I wish you, the members and our colleagues on the judging panel the very best and hope for a better future for piping and drumming in Ontario. You all deserve so much better.” – Scott Currie

I’m no lawyer, but reading through the statement of claim, a very compelling argument presented. It would seem the PPBSO is royally [expletive deleted].

I am sorry it has come to this and for what you had to go through to get to this point. Not fun what you have been going through. In your corner.

I would also say that unique and particular interests encouraged the decision taken against you; these deprived Society members and all competitors of a solid bandsman and professional soloist as well as a highly qualified, transparent judge who has no personal agenda other than to help the scene thrive and endure.

I’m sure you’ve gotten some messages but just wanted to say re the articles coming out that I’m sending you and the family my support. I’m sorry you have been dealing with so much. And thank you for speaking on this, as the members need to know what is happening within our organization.

Wishing you the best as this proceeds, and can only hope for a better future with this for you and us all.

I have been watching from afar what is happening and thought I would contact you directly.

The comment I would like to make is about you personally.

I have always had the greatest of respect for you and I can only imagine how many countless thousands of hours you’ve put into Piper & Drummer/pipes|drums. You will without any doubt go down in history as one of the great creators of a significant archive for our art form.

Of course, I’ve never agreed with 100% of what you write, but that can be said about every journalist anywhere in the world.

I have two simple words to say for the contribution you have made and will continue to make: Thank you.

I just read your post about the lawsuit. What the hell is going on with the PPBSO? That is crazy. That they wouldn’t even listen to Jim Scott (and motivated his resignation) says it all, at least to me.

Don’t these guys have better things to do with their time? Like promoting piping and drumming rather than using their exec positions as a means for settling personal vendettas?

Hang in there. You deserve better than this.

I can’t believe what I’ve just read about the Andrew Berthoff/PPBSO legal fiasco. This is madness. The leadership of PPBSO should be utterly ashamed of themselves. They have obviously hidden this from the members for months, carrying out a petty, childish witch-hunt which is utterly beyond the pale.

How on earth does any of this serve the members of PPBSO?

We have one side of the story thanks to the obvious cloak of secrecy thrown around the whole thing by Andrew Giles and his small cadre of supporters. It seems that this has been carried out and pushed through by a very small number of people and we can only go on what we read. The PPBSO and every Director needs to come clean to its members on all of this straight away.

Was there nobody sensible enough to put their hand up and say this is wrong? The Ombudsman apparently did and was sent packing. The whole thing needs to be settled before the Society is led to its demise by the charlatans who are running it.

Just what has Mr. Berthoff been found guilty of that warrants a twelve – month suspension and possibly beyond? Does anyone even know, including Mr. Berthoff himself? The only thing which has been achieved so far is that the Society has lost the services of one of its best judges for a year, and possibly longer.

Mr. Giles and cohorts (yes, the ones making the bullets behind the scenes), get this settled and then do the right thing and resign. You have brought nothing but disgrace and chaos to the PPBSO which will take many years to repair.

Congratulations. I’ve read the full document and say, well done. I’m sure filing was a difficult decision and takes a significant amount of courage!

Change is good. Too bad it had to come to this, but they brought on themselves. Will be interesting to see all the developments. PPBSO 2.0 here we go.

What do you think? As always, readers can express their thoughts using our Comments system below. All you need is a free registration or subscription to pipes|drums. Though we encourage you to put their name to their comments, you are free to be anonymous if you prefer.



  1. I too read the claim and I’m left with a feeling of sadness. I no longer play actively and as I reside in Denmark I have no fear of any repercussions from the PPBSO. I sense that people who do, have that fear – which – in itself – is deeply saddening.

    What I’ve never understood is, that in a community as small as ours, this stuff is even happening. It shouldn’t. And looking at it from the outside, 99% of the worlds population doesn’t even give a *** about any of this – and would find in ludicrous if explained to them.

    Our world is too small for petty differences and abuse of power. Unfortunately, I fear something like this will happen again.

    When the dust settles I hope it will be possible to look ahead and work will continue for the common good of our small geeky community.

    Michael Ambech



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