September 02, 2023

Glasgow Skye Association appoints Donald Stewart pipe-major, taking over from Kenny MacLeod

In 2022, former pipe-major Kenny MacLeod stepped up to ensure that the Grade 2 Glasgow Skye Association could get back on the road, and the storied band was able to compete throughout the 2023 season.

Now that the band is well reestablished, MacLeod has voluntarily given way to Donald Stewart, who first became a member of the band in 2012, to become pipe-major. When MacLeod came back, he said he would give it only a year.

“I’m delighted to welcome Donald Stewart as the next pipe-major of the Glasgow Skye,” MacLeod said in a statement. “He’s just what we need: a great piper, young, ambitious, good with sound and player management. The band is back and strong again and also now has a World Champion drum corps under Les Galbraith. In Donald and Les we have people with long term goals and the vision to really move it forward. I’m looking forward to getting started again as a player in the band.”

I am truly honoured and delighted to be taking on the role of pipe-major of the Glasgow Skye. – Donald Stewart

“I am truly honoured and delighted to be taking on the role of pipe-major of the Glasgow Skye,” Stewart said. “I’d like to thank the committee and band membership for the incredible support and trust that they have placed in me to take the band forward. I’d like to thank Kenny for his outstanding service to the Skye over his three periods as pipe-major and for the strong position that he has left the band in.”

Glasgow Skye Association is the namesake band of the sponsoring organization. The band was founded in 1968 and, since then, has consistently competed in the top grades, including several stints in Grade 1. After a three-year hiatus, the band returned to competition in 2023 in Grade 2 after making a successful application to move from Grade 1.

Glasgow Skye placed 11th in Grade 2 at the 2023 World Championships, and its drum section was first. The band is also well known for putting on the annual Pre-World’s Concert every August.






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