April 09, 2021

BCPA Annual Gathering results to be announced at online ceilidh

The British Columbia Pipers Association persevered by holding its 2021 Annual Gathering online over the Easter weekend. The organization is upholding another tradition, the Ceilidh to the event, on April 17th, where it will announce all of the results to start the two-hour online festivities.

The Annual Gathering Ceilidh is as celebrated as the Gathering itself. With the large piping and drumming competition held online via performances submitted by video, the judging and tabulations are being given more time and kept secret over the two weeks.

BCPA life member and former president Bill Elder will announce the prize winners starting at 6:30 pm PDT in the Zoom event, and then hand over the mic to board member Mike Chisholm who will host two hours of performances.

The event will focus on piping families in the BCPA, past and present, and then discussing how to get more females involved in piping and drumming – a topic discussed in some detail in the pipes|drums panel discussion by and about women in piping and pipe bands.

The BCPA’s MacCrimmon Cairn trophy for professional piobaireachd at its Annual Gathering


You can register for the Ceilidh here and have the chance to win some of the many prizes donated by sponsors.

The BCPA Annual Gathering, casually known as the “Indoor Meet,” was first held in 1933, and 2020 was the first year it was not held, cancelled in the early stages of the pandemic crisis.

Modelled after the monument at Boreraig, Skye, the MacCrimmon Cairn Professional Piobaireachd trophy is one of the piping world’s most prestigious prizes. Jack Lee of Surrey, British Columbia, has won the award a record 14 times, at least once every decade since 1977, and is the current holder of the trophy. If he is announced the winner of the 2021 event, it will be his sixth decade achieving the prize, likely an all-time record of longevity and consistent success in piping history.



Lee, Bevan, Maxwell prevail at BCPA Annual Gathering
April 21, 2019





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